Software Entropy: What It Is & How To Mitigate It

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Rafael Timbó
Rafael Timbó
Chief Technology Officer

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Learn more about the complexity of what software entropy is, how it can impact the tech team as a whole, and how to mitigate any issues that arise with it.
Published on
August 15, 2023
Updated on
April 11, 2024

Software gradually declines over time due to several factors, such as poor design decisions, lack of maintenance, and ad hoc changes to the code. Software entropy can lead to increased complexity, decreased reliability, and difficulty making changes or adding new features. It can also result in longer development times, increased costs, and decreased customer satisfaction.

To combat software entropy, it's essential to regularly maintain and refactor code, follow good design practices, and use tools and processes that support software quality and stability. By actively managing software entropy, you can ensure that your software systems remain scalable, reliable, and flexible, continuing to meet the evolving needs of your users.

What Is Software Entropy?

Software entropy is a term derived from the second law of thermodynamics. It's used to describe the natural degradation of software systems over time. Like thermodynamics, software entropy refers to the tendency for systems to become more disordered, complex, and challenging to maintain over time. The result is that the software becomes more challenging to understand, modify, and support. Eventually, maintaining it may become so complex that it's no longer usable.

Some factors that lead to software entropy include:

  • Accumulation of technical debt: As new features are added to a software system, the complexity of the codebase increases. Over time, this can result in technical debt, a measure of the work needed to bring the system up to current standards. Technical debt can make it harder to maintain the system as changes become more complex and time-consuming.
  • Lack of documentation: Proper documentation is integral to software development and maintenance, but developers often neglect it. As a result, the knowledge of how the system works and how to maintain it becomes fragmented and even lost over time. This neglect can lead to software entropy, as developers must reverse engineer the system to make changes.
  • Inadequate testing: When software developers don't thoroughly test software systems, they're more prone to bugs and unexpected behavior. Over time, these bugs can accumulate, leading to a system that's difficult to maintain and prone to other errors.
  • Unmaintainable code: When your code is poorly written or does not follow best practices, it's more likely to become unmaintainable over time, as developers will have a more challenging time modifying and updating sloppy code.
  • Changing requirements: As software systems evolve, system requirements may change. Complicated systems become more complex and opaque, leading to bad design, clunky chunks of code, and bugs.

Software It Impacts

Entropy affects all software to some degree. However, the degree of impact can vary depending on factors such as the system's design and architecture, the code's quality, the development processes used, and the rate at which changes are made to the system.

Examples of software systems that are particularly susceptible to software entropy include large, complex systems with many interdependent components, systems maintained over a long period of time by multiple teams, and systems that have undergone significant changes or updates without proper refactoring or cleanup. Software that one person can easily understand is less prone to software entropy.

The Broken Window Theory

The "broken window theory" in software entropy refers to the idea that minor, ignored software bugs or design issues can accumulate over time and lead to more significant problems and decreased software quality, much like a broken window in a building can lead to vandalism and further neglect. This theory suggests that it's essential to promptly address and fix minor issues to prevent them from becoming bigger problems that can be harder and more expensive to solve.

You can apply this theory in software development by implementing regular code reviews, automated testing, and continuous integration and deployment to identify and fix issues early in development. The idea is to maintain a high level of software quality and prevent software entropy, which can make the software difficult to maintain and enhance in the future.

Ways to Mitigate Software Entropy

Implementing the following best practices can help reduce chaos and keep your software from deteriorating. Maintaining awareness of software entropy and the processes to avoid it should be an overarching priority in your agile methodology.

Don't Leave Dirty Code Around for Too Long

Developers use the term "dirty code" to describe code with poor writing, lacks understandability, poses maintenance challenges, and lacks organization. It can refer to inefficient code, poorly commented, or written in a way that makes it hard for others — or even its original author — to understand. Dirty code can also refer to code that violates best practices or common coding standards and may contain bugs, security vulnerabilities, or other issues.

Dirty code is a problem because it can make it harder to add new features, fix bugs, or maintain the code over time. It can also slow development, increase the risk of bugs and security issues, and make it impossible for others to understand how the code works. Therefore, writing clean, well-organized, and maintainable code is considered a crucial aspect of software development and is often emphasized in coding best practices and training programs.

The following measures will help reduce dirty code:

Regular Code Reviews

Code reviews are critical to maintaining code quality and preventing software entropy. During these reviews, developers can examine the code for messy, redundant, or outdated sections and clean them up. Regular checks help keep the codebase organized and manageable and identify potential issues before they become unmanageable problems.

Automated Testing

Automated testing is an essential tool for mitigating software entropy. By automating tests for different parts of the codebase, developers can catch issues before they spiral out of control. Testing also helps ensure that code changes don't break existing functionality. Automated tests include unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests covering different aspects of code.


Keeping detailed documentation of code changes and updates can help developers track other developers' changes and why. This information can be helpful when making future changes or fixing bugs. Documentation includes comments in the code, inline documentation, design documents, architecture diagrams, and user manuals. Poor documentation can lead to a lack of knowledge about the codebase's design and current state.

Culture of Maintainability

Encouraging a culture of code maintainability and cleanliness within the development team can help prevent software entropy from taking hold. You can promote this through regular training and education and by setting code quality and maintainability expectations. The development team should be encouraged to prioritize code quality and maintainability, making it a high priority in their workflow.

Adhering to Coding Standards

Coding standards help developers write code consistently and make code changes that align with the rest of the codebase. Standards can include guidelines for naming conventions, indentation, comments, and rules for how developers should structure code. Adhering to coding standards helps maintain code quality, readability, and consistency.


Refactoring involves changing the code to improve its quality and maintainability without changing its functionality. These tasks include cleaning up code, removing duplicate code, and enhancing code structure. Regular refactoring can prevent entropy from building over time by ensuring the code remains maintainable and scalable.

Keeping Dependencies Up-to-Date

Staying up-to-date with the latest versions of libraries and dependencies can help ensure that the code continues to work as expected. Current versions also address security vulnerabilities promptly. In addition, keeping dependencies up-to-date ensures that the codebase uses the most recent and stable version of the necessary libraries and dependencies.

Implementing Continuous Integration and Delivery

Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) involve automating the build, test, and deployment process. These automated processes include checks to ensure code changes are controlled and consistent, reducing the likelihood of introducing entropy. With CI/CD in place, you can automatically build, test, and deploy code changes with rapid feedback—reducing the risk of introducing bugs into the codebase.

Work With Integrity & Don't Rush Projects

Technology is an incredibly fast-paced field. Innovations are constantly hitting the market, and development teams are pressured to deliver results. However, taking your time to do the job right will lead to better outcomes, build trust and credibility, and promote a sustainable pace of work.

Proper Planning & Design

Taking the time to properly plan and design software before beginning development lets you focus on the big picture. From the beginning, you can implement procedures to promote scalability, maintainability, and performance. Software teams frequently rush to market, but allowing time to plan will pay off in the long run.

Avoid Shortcuts

Along with poor planning, cutting corners or taking shortcuts during development can lead to messy code, technical debt, and other issues contributing to software entropy. On the other hand, by taking a systematic and deliberate approach, developers can build well-designed, well-architected, and scalable software.


Diverse teams that collaborate frequently are more likely to include all perspectives of the development process. Frequent collaboration and knowledge-sharing prevent software entropy by avoiding the creation of knowledge silos, which can result in poor code functionality.

Regular Reassessment

Regularly reassessing and adjusting project priorities helps ensure that the focus remains on delivering high-quality software. In addition, avoiding feature creep, prioritizing bug fixes and performance improvements, and staying focused on the end goal lets developers keep software entropy in check.

Know the Warning Signs

Despite following best practices, software entropy may creep into your system, particularly if you've added additional features to previous software. The following warning signs may indicate your software is starting to rot.

User Feedback

Paying attention to feedback from users and stakeholders about the performance of the software can provide early warning signs of software entropy. For example, if users report slow performance, crashes, or other issues, it may be a sign that the software is becoming bloated and unwieldy.

Metrics Monitoring

Regularly monitoring software metrics, such as memory usage and response time, can help detect performance degradation. If your software is underperforming, it's a sign it may be rotting, and you should take steps to address the underlying issues.

Difficulty Making Changes

If making changes to the codebase becomes an extended chore, consider examining the codebase for flaws. Changes that require more work than expected can signal that software entropy is taking hold.

Increasing Fail Rate

Another sign of software entropy is an increased failure rate. You may notice increased downtime, decreased performance, and other issues contributing to software rot.


Increased bugs and issues with the software should raise a red flag for entropy. Bloated systems make it harder to identify and fix bugs, leading to more defects in the code.


If the software can't scale to meet increasing demands, your system may be too complex already. More dependencies and elements bring more coupling, which interferes with scalability.

Increased Technical Debt

Addressing technical debt as soon as possible is crucial to preventing the effects of software entropy from spiraling out of control. Technical debt is sometimes inevitable, but proactively addressing it lets you keep software entropy in check.

Minimize Software Rot Throughout Your Software Development Process

Software rot is a common issue faced by software development teams. Unfortunately, it can only be eliminated partially, especially on enterprise-level systems. However, you can minimize it by following best practices in your development processes. Regularly reviewing and updating code, using modern software development techniques, and investing in tools and training to reduce the impact of software rot can ensure that your projects remain relevant, efficient, and effective over time.

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