Hire Cardano Developers: All You Need to Know

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Rafael Timbó
Rafael Timbó
Chief Technology Officer
Hire Cardano Developers: All You Need to Know

Hire Cardano Developers: All You Need to Know

Hire Remote DevelopersLevel up your LLM
Rafael Timbó
Rafael Timbó
Chief Technology Officer
Hire Cardano Developers: All You Need to Know

Hire Cardano Developers: All You Need to Know

Hire Remote DevelopersLevel up your LLM
Rafael Timbó
Rafael Timbó
Chief Technology Officer
Hire Cardano Developers: All You Need to Know

Hire Cardano Developers: All You Need to Know

Hire Remote DevelopersLevel up your LLM
Rafael Timbó
Rafael Timbó
Chief Technology Officer
Hire Cardano Developers: All You Need to Know

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Are you struggling to hire Cardano developers who meet your needs? Here's what you need to know about the hiring process.
Updated on
December 31, 2024

With the increasing popularity of decentralized finance, many jobs have opened up in the blockchain space. Meanwhile, the demand for blockchain developers, specifically Cardano developers, has increased dramatically.

Businesses can use Cardano to build smart contracts and develop decentralized applications. Moreover, the finance industry can leverage Cardano's ability to transfer funds instantly for everyday business processes.

If you are looking to hire a Cardano developer for your organization, it is essential to first understand the project's development process and the various skill sets required to become a successful Cardano developer. You should also know how to interview and vet developers.

This article will give you a detailed overview of the Cardano development process and tips on hiring the best Cardano developers for your project.

What Are Cardano and ADA?

Cardano is a decentralized public blockchain and cryptocurrency project. It is an open-source project with no central authority. The native currency of the Cardano network is called ADA.

Cardano is often hailed as the third generation of cryptocurrency, after Bitcoin and Ethereum. It was founded in 2015 by Charles Hoskinson, who is also one of the co-founders of Ethereum.

Cardano is built on the Haskell programming language and uses Ouroboros's unique Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm.

The Cardano network aims to solve some of the significant problems facing Bitcoin and Ethereum, such as scalability, sustainability, and interoperability. While these are the basics, it's imperative to learn more about Cardano development before using the blockchain for smart contracts.

More About Cardano Development: How Does the Blockchain Work?

Cardano has multiple chains running in parallel. The primary chain is called the Cardano Settlement Layer (CSL) and is used for transactions and value transfers. The CSL is similar to Bitcoin in this regard.

The second layer of the Cardano blockchain is known as the Cardano Computation Layer (CCL). This layer enables smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps) to be built on the Cardano blockchain.

The Ouroboros consensus algorithm validates transactions and produces new blocks on the CSL. The algorithm does not require miners or stakers, making it more energy-efficient than the Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus algorithm used by Bitcoin.

Cardano Settlement Layer (CSL)

The Cardano Settlement Layer is the first layer of the Cardano blockchain and is responsible for accounting and transaction settlement. In addition, this layer is a value ledger for ADA, the native cryptocurrency of the Cardano blockchain.

The CSL is based on the PoS consensus protocol called Ouroboros, which allows users to stake their ADA to validate transactions and earn rewards.

Cardano Computation Layer (CCL)

The Cardano Computation Layer is the second layer of the Cardano blockchain and is responsible for running smart contracts. The layer is Turing complete, meaning that it can run any program.

A Turing-complete programming language called Plutus is used to write smart contracts on the CCL. Plutus is based on the functional programming language Haskell.

Why Use Cardano for Blockchain Development?

Cardano has been designed to be a more general-purpose blockchain platform than Ethereum, focusing on scalability and improved security features. In addition, the blockchain is being developed in a scientific manner by InputOutput Global (IOG), with its development process informed by peer-reviewed research publications written by IOG scientists and engineers.

The vision for Cardano is to create a blockchain platform that is capable of handling more complex applications than any protocol previously developed and that meets the needs of a global user base with a wide range of varying requirements.

Since it's a multilayer blockchain, Cardano gives the network flexibility regarding future upgrades. For example, the CSL will allow fiat currency to be transferred on the blockchain, while the CCL will be used for voting and stakeholder management.

The Cardano team is constantly working on developing new features and improving the platform. Here are some benefits of using Cardano for blockchain development.

Peer-Reviewed Research

Unlike many other blockchains merely supported by a white paper, Cardano is based on peer-reviewed research. The development team publishes their research papers in well-respected journals such as Nature Climate Change, IEEE Security & Privacy, and the Internet Protocol Journal.

This ensures that the Cardano platform is constantly being improved upon and that new features are rigorously tested before being implemented. Furthermore, computer scientists from all over the world have verified Cardano's features, supporting its role as the Internet of blockchains.

Flexible Architecture

Cardano has a unique architecture that allows the network to be easily upgraded. For example, if a new consensus algorithm is needed, it can be implemented on the Settlement Layer without affecting the Computation Layer. In addition, users can continue to use the platform while upgrades are being made.

The modular approach also makes it easier for developers to create innovative applications on Cardano. They can pick and choose which features they need without using the entire platform.

Improved Security

Cardano uses the Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm called Ouroboros, which is more secure than the Proof-of-Work algorithm used by Bitcoin. With Ouroboros, users can stake their ADA coins to help secure the network and earn rewards.

Since Ouroboros doesn't require mining, it's more energy-efficient than Proof-of-Work. It also means that there's no risk of a 51% attack, which is when a group of miners control more than half of a network's hash power and can double-spend coins or prevent other transactions from being confirmed.

Improved Scalability

Cardano uses a data structure called a Recursive Internetwork Architecture (RINA) to improve scalability. RINA allows for an unlimited number of users to interact with the network without each user needing their own copy of the blockchain.

It also uses a technique called "Sharding" to improve scalability. Sharding is a process of dividing the network into smaller pieces, which allows each piece to be processed independently. Thus, the Cardano network can theoretically scale infinitely and be able to handle billions of transactions per second.

Support for Foundational Changes

Cardano is robust enough to handle significant changes, such as a "hard fork." A hard fork is when a cryptocurrency splits into two separate coins, usually due to disagreements among the developers or community.

For example, when Ethereum forked into Ethereum and Ethereum Classic, both coins functioned independently. Cardano is designed to allow for a similar event to occur without disrupting the entire network.

Cardano Developer Skills: Top Skills Needed for ADA Development

Developers can create smart contracts on the Cardano blockchain. Cardano development is a little different from developing for other blockchains. To be a good Cardano developer, developers need some specific skills.

Familiarity with Ouroboros

The Ouroboros PoS consensus mechanism is different from the mechanisms used by Ethereum and Bitcoin because it is less energy-intensive. When you hire Cardano developers, they need to understand how Ouroboros works.

As per Cardano's website, there are different Ouroboros implementations that developers should know about. In addition, developers should understand the technical specifications of the following:

  • Genesis: Genesis is the very first block in the Cardano blockchain. The protocol was first proposed in the white paper "Ouroboros: The Blockchain Protocol."
  • Byzantine Fault Tolerance: This is a type of consensus that can be achieved even when some network participants are not functioning correctly.
  • Ouroboros Praos: Praos is an improved version of the Ouroboros protocol that offers security against corruption in a semi-synchronous network.

Developers should also be familiar with the Cardano wallet Daedalus. Daedalus is a cryptocurrency wallet that supports ADA, the native token of Cardano. The wallet is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Programming Skills

Programming is among the most essential Cardano developer skills since developers will be writing code for smart contracts. Therefore, they should be familiar with at least one programming language. The two most popular languages for Cardano development are Haskell and Plutus.

Haskell is a statically typed, purely functional programming language with type inference and lazy evaluation. On the other hand, Plutus is a smart contract language based on Haskell.

Other essential skills for Cardano developers include an understanding of formal verification and security-focused programming.

Formal verification is a mathematically rigorous method of ensuring that a system meets its specifications. It is used to verify the correctness of software and hardware systems.

Meanwhile, security-focused programming is a type of programming that takes security concerns into account from the start. It involves writing code that is secure by design.

Experience Using Truffle

A Cardano developer should also have experience using Truffle, a popular development environment for Ethereum. Truffle allows for automated testing, debugging, and deployment of smart contracts.

It also comes with an interactive console that makes it easy to develop Solidity smart contracts.

Familiarity with Integrated Development Environments

An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development.

For instance, the Eclipse IDE is a popular choice for developing smart contracts on Ethereum. This is because it has excellent support for Solidity and allows for the creation, compiling, testing, and deploying of smart contracts.

The Atom IDE is also a good choice for developing Solidity smart contracts. It has syntax highlighting and code completion for Solidity.

Learn More: Ethereum developer: All you need to know

Understanding of Command Line Interface

The command-line interface (CLI) is a text-based interface used to view, run, and debug smart contracts. The CLI is a vital tool for a Cardano developer because it allows for executing commands on a blockchain. It also allows for the creation of new accounts, the sending of transactions, and the viewing of account balances.

Proficiency in Higher-Level Programming Languages

Although Plutus is the primary Cardano programming language, other languages are also needed during the programming process. Besides Plutus and Haskell, Cardano developers should be proficient in higher-level languages, like JavaScript and Java.

JavaScript is a popular language for developing web applications. It is also used to develop server-side applications, like Node.js. Java is a popular language for developing desktop applications, Android apps, and big data applications.

Moreover, developers can use two other programming languages for Cardano development. These are:

  • Marlowe: Marlowe is a domain-specific language used for developing financial contracts.
  • Glow lang: Developers should also know how to use Glow lang, especially if you want them to create dApps for your organization. This language is specifically used for creating decentralized applications.

How to Find and Hire Cardano (ADA) Developers

Learning about Cardano development isn't the hard part. The hard part is finding the right Cardano developer for your project.

When it comes to hiring Cardano developers, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you need to know where to find Cardano developers.

Job Boards

The easiest way to find Cardano developers is to use job boards. Job boards are websites that list job openings for a variety of companies. Here are three top job boards to find a Cardano developer.

You can post job posts on these boards to find a Cardano developer with your desired skills. We discuss the must-haves of an effective job post in the section below.


LinkedIn is known as the world's largest professional network. As such, it's a great place to find Cardano developers.

There are two ways to find Cardano developers on LinkedIn. The first is to use LinkedIn's search function. The second is to join relevant LinkedIn groups and look through the members.


Twitter is another excellent platform to find Cardano developers. To find Cardano developers on Twitter, you can use the search function or follow relevant hashtags. Some popular Cardano hashtags include #Cardano, $ADA, and #blockchain.


If you want to find the best Cardano developers, GitHub is the place to look. GitHub is a code-sharing platform where developers can share their code with the world.

You can use the search function or look through relevant repositories to find an experienced Cardano developer. Some popular Cardano repositories include cardano-wallet, cardano-sl, and cardano-node.

Talent Marketplaces

A talent marketplace is a platform that connects businesses with talent. If you're looking to hire a Cardano developer without a lengthy hiring process, a talent marketplace is a good option.

Revelo is a leading talent marketplace that connects employers with remote blockchain developers in Latin America. Since the platform only lists pre-vetted developers, you can eliminate the vetting step from your recruitment process.

You merely need to convert your requirements to Revelo, and the platform will find the perfect talent for your needs. Even better, you can manage remote developers through the platform as well.

How to Hire Cardano Developers

Now that you know where to find Cardano developers, it's time to learn how you can find the best developers for your company. Here is a five-step approach to hiring Cardano developers.

While you can customize this strategy based on your organization's individual needs, the standard steps remain the same for most businesses.

Step 1: Plan Your Hiring Strategy

First, you must have a clear hiring strategy in place. You need to identify your company's needs and the skills required to meet those needs. Once you have done this, you can look for developers who possess the necessary skills. Here are some things to consider:

  • Full-Time or Part-Time: Depending on the scope of your development project, you may need to hire full-time or part-time Cardano developers.
  • In-House or Remote: There are benefits to both in-house and remote development teams. It is crucial to weigh the pros and cons of each option before making a decision.
  • Skills Required: As mentioned earlier, you need to identify the skills required for the project. For example, if you need a developer to create a smart contract, you will need to find someone with experience in Solidity programming.

Step 2: Write a Job Description

Once you have planned your hiring strategy, the next step is to write an effective job description. This is important because it will let qualified candidates know you have what they're looking for. When writing the job description, make sure to include the following:

  • Company Information: The developer needs to understand your company culture before becoming part of the organization. They should know what kind of projects you typically work on and the type of work they will be expected to do.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: You should also list the roles and responsibilities of the Cardano developer in the job description so candidates can understand what their day-to-day tasks will be.
  • Project Information: If you're hiring Cardano developers for a specific project, you should include information about the project in the job description. This will give candidates a better understanding of the work they will be doing. Plus, it helps screen out developers who don't have the experience or skills for the project, saving you time sifting through applications.
  • Compensation: Some companies have started paying developers in cryptocurrency. Whether you choose to do this or not, you should list the compensation in the job description.

Step 3: Use the Right Platforms

One of the best ways to find candidates is by using job boards. When choosing a job board, you should consider the following:

  • Cost: The cost of posting a job on a job board can vary significantly. Some platforms charge per job post, while others have monthly or annual subscription fees.
  • Quality of Candidates: Not all job boards have the same quality of candidates. Some job boards are better for finding developers with specific skill sets, while others have a more general candidate pool.
  • Ease of Use: The platform you choose should be easy to use. Otherwise, you'll spend more time posting jobs and managing applications than you would like.

Alternatively, you can use a talent marketplace to take the hassle out of hiring Cardano developers. In this case, you don't have to write job ads or vet developers.

Step 4: Screen Candidates

Once you start receiving applications, the next step is to screen candidates. There are a few things you should consider when screening candidates:

  • Experience: You should look for candidates who have experience in Cardano development.
  • Portfolio: A candidate's portfolio can give you a good idea of their skills and experience. You should ask to see a portfolio before moving forward with the hiring process.
  • Communication Skills: Cardano developers need to have strong communication skills. After all, they will need to communicate with other members of the development team.

Step 5: Interview Candidates

Interviewing candidates is the best way to get to know them and see if they're a good fit for your company. When interviewing candidates, you should ask about their experience, skills, and availability.

Here are some questions you can ask during a recruitment interview:

  • Have you ever developed an application using Cardano? If yes, can you tell me about it?
  • What do you think are the benefits of using Cardano?
  • Do you have any experience with smart contracts? If yes, can you give me an example of a smart contract you've created?
  • Are you familiar with integrated environments like Remix?
  • How proficient are you in higher-level programming languages, such as Java?

You can also give them a test project to see how well they work under pressure.

How Much Should You Pay Cardano Developers?

The average salary of a blockchain developer is $146,250 per year. If you're hiring on an hourly basis, this equates to $75 per hour.

While entry-level developers may earn around $121,917 a year, experienced developers can make about $180,000. You should set the compensation based on the developers' experience and the complexity of your project.

Since blockchain developers are in demand, you should expect to pay a higher salary than you would for other developers.

Hiring the Right Cardano Developers

Cardano is a powerful platform for blockchain development that offers a wide range of benefits. It's based on peer-reviewed research, has a flexible architecture, and is more secure and scalable than other blockchains.

When it comes to hiring Cardano developers, the most important thing is to find developers who are a good fit for your company. To do this, you should take the time to write a detailed job description, use the right platforms to post your job, and screen candidates carefully.

By following these steps, you can find the best Cardano developers for your team. But if you want a swift and effective method to find Cardano developers without expending your time and resources, a talent marketplace, such as Revelo, is the way to go.


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