Hiring Efficiency: 7 Strategies to Improve the Recruitment Process

Hire Remote Developers
Bruna Vasconcelos
Bruna Vasconcelos
Head of People

Table of Contents

Learn more about the key metrics required to improve hiring efficiency for your organization and how they affect overall recruitment and retention.
Published on
February 21, 2024
Updated on
July 1, 2024

The recruitment process is often time-consuming and costly for organizations of all sizes. Finding the right qualified candidate — one that will be the right fit for the company culture, team, and role — is no easy task. Retaining top talent once they've been recruited is another challenge.

Hiring efficiency is an integral part of improving this process. The time spent on hiring, the number of manual recruitment tasks, and the recruitment tools available contribute to how efficient a recruitment team is. One open position costs a business thousands of dollars to fill, which is why many leaders seek ways to lower those costs. Doing so starts with understanding quality of hire metrics and implementing the right strategies for short and long-term hiring efficiency.

This guide covers what hiring efficiency means, the right hiring metrics to start tracking, and seven strategies that improve the recruitment process

What Is Hiring Efficiency?

Many components of the recruitment and hiring processes quickly become time-consuming for hiring managers and recruitment teams. From creating an enticing job description to vetting resumes to interviewing and onboarding, there are many opportunities for kinks in the system to appear. 

Hiring efficiency means having a dedicated, effective process for recruitment that optimizes time and resources. With an efficient hiring system, issues are identified early on, and protocols are set for avoiding or minimizing them. It includes using technologies and software to streamline workflows. 

A good strategy for hiring efficiency could include the following protocols:

  • Each person on the hiring team knows their role and expectations in recruitment.
  • Practices are consistent across the process, including how job descriptions are written and posted, how candidates are vetted, and how the interview process works.
  • Onboarding is a repeatable, consistent system.
  • Required and preferred qualifications are clearly outlined.
  • The right platform and automation tools are implemented for greater efficiency.
  • Key hiring metrics are identified and tracked for continuous improvement.

These components promote collaboration, streamlining, and efficient decision-making throughout the hiring process. Hiring efficiency attracts top talent while improving internal processes. It also helps an organization's bottom line. According to data from the Society for Human Resource Management, the average cost per hire is around $4,700. Around 30% to 40% of those costs are hard costs, while the rest are soft costs — including the time the recruitment team invests in hiring. Making the hiring process more efficient helps to lower the amount companies spend on administrative tasks and streamline overall talent acquisition strategy.

Ultimately, an efficient, consistent approach to recruitment sets up a positive experience from the beginning. This is why hiring efficiency is critical in helping to meet established hiring goals as a recruiter.

How Quality of Hire Metrics Impact Hiring Efficiency

To achieve hiring efficiency, recruitment leaders need a clear plan that they monitor, analyze, and adjust. Quality of hire metrics help evaluate successful approaches and areas for improvement within the recruitment funnel. These metrics show an employee's value to a company by factoring in job performance, cultural fit, retention, and satisfaction ratings. They demonstrate trends over time, such as how long new hires stay in their roles and whether recruiting practices lead to returns.

Quality of hire metrics also show how low versus high-quality hires impact a business over time. For example, if a company recruits a large number of low-quality hires, it may also have a high turnover rate and below-average sales, which is often costly for the business and leads to a substandard company culture. High-quality hires, on the other hand, may improve workplace culture, employee retention, and revenues.

Using these metrics is critical to achieving hiring efficiency at your organization. They also provide important insights and data employers use to advance their workflows and improve ROI. This is why learning how to measure quality of hire metrics is essential. 

How to Measure Quality of Hire and Other Key Metrics

To measure quality of hire, organizations often use the following metrics:

  • Turnover rate: The rate at which people leave the company
  • Employee satisfaction rate: How satisfied employees are at work or with the organization
  • Candidate experience: How positive or effective the recruitment process is for applicants
  • New employee retention rate: How long you are retaining new hires 
  • First-year attrition rate: The rate at which employees leave during their first year in the role
  • Number of open positions: The number of job openings you have at a given time
  • Number of candidates: The volume of applicants who apply to a position
  • Productivity rates and stats: How productive employees or teams are
  • Time to hire: How long it takes to hire a candidate

Organizations often use technology such as applicant tracking systems, performance management software, and survey apps to analyze these metrics. Research human resources tools that help optimize the recruitment areas that need the most attention at your organization. For instance, recruiting teams use software that templatizes new job posts, helps review resumes and cover letters, automates document organization, and schedules interviews. Using an intuitive tool improves back-end hiring processes, employee onboarding, and candidate engagement.

During the post-hiring phase, human resource management platforms also help to track employee retention and performance. Recruiting teams can send out surveys and questionnaires that help track satisfaction metrics along the way. 

Remember that modern software programs are easily integrated with multiple departments' existing systems. This means recruiting managers begin to track data-driven key metrics on recruitment, performance, finances, and more, all in one place. Consequently, company leadership benefits from greater overall business efficiency and a clearer picture of the hiring process's impact.  

7 Strategies to Improve the Hiring Process

Organizations will unlikely see the efficiency changes they seek without a recruitment strategy. A dedicated strategy will ensure everyone on the team understands goals and expectations. Additionally, it enables you to accurately track progress and make improvements when necessary. Here are seven of the most effective strategies to follow when optimizing your hiring process.

1. Leverage Technology 

The hiring process is nearly impossible to improve unless you leverage the latest technology to automate rote tasks and gain meaningful insights. Most recruitment tasks can be done online, which brings multiple opportunities to implement automation tools and applicant tracking systems to optimize the process. Job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed provide platforms that eliminate bottlenecks in a company's in-house resources.

Without adequate technology, organizations often see high rates of manual errors, ineffective assessment, and wasted time. Instead, ensure teams use the right tools incorporating automation, collaboration, and data-gathering features. 

2. Improve Communication

Through all stages of the hiring process, transparent and active communication demonstrates your company's value to the best candidates. Additionally, clear discussion with internal stakeholders leads to better quality hires that suit the needs of all collaborating departments. Inefficient communication dissuades quality applicants from choosing to work with you.

From the first interaction with each candidate, provide opportunities for hiring staff to discuss the candidate's fit for your team and the employer brand. For candidates, always provide timely updates, even if the update is that more time is needed before the next steps.

3. Prioritize the Candidate Experience

Always consider the candidate's experience when improving processes and integrating technology. For a healthy relationship, they must view the company and team positively from the beginning. This will likely boost morale and productivity and create a positive brand reputation for future hires.

Think about how easy your application submission process is. Are there inefficiencies that could be fixed, such as hard-to-use resume forms? For tech recruiting, are candidate skill tests comprehensive but not overly tedious? Test the application process before implementation to ensure candidates avoid unnecessary challenges. 

4. Know How to Filter Candidates Effectively

Significant time is often wasted on candidates who aren’t the right fit. Understanding your quality of hire metrics and knowing precisely what a good-fit candidate resembles for your organization helps filter through resumes effectively. Then, your recruitment team can focus on parsing only the best-quality applicants.

Before evaluating candidates, create clear and measurable criteria, such as the required education level and desired skills. Resume screening technology software helps make this stage more efficient.

5. Ask Culture-Fit Interview Questions

Even if a candidate has all the necessary qualifications and experience for a role, they may not last if they are not a good cultural fit for your organization. A quality hire must perform their tasks effectively and work well with the team. You will likely see higher retention and lower turnover rates when your employees are fit for your workplace environment.

Bring in other team members during interviews to gauge culture fit before extending a job offer. Ask questions about a candidate’s ideal work environment and how they collaborate with others. 

6. Don’t Ignore What Metrics Are Telling You

Monitoring recruitment metrics is necessary for effective and efficient hiring decisions, as is responding to subsequent analyses of those metrics. Failing to leverage these metrics can lead to wasted time and resources, as well as opportunities for recruitment optimization.

Track and analyze key metrics to identify significant patterns, assess performance, and respond to problem areas. For instance, what is working for candidates and new employees? What do they have in common regarding areas that need improvement? What are they confused about? How long will they stay in their roles post-hire?

7. Learn From Past Mistakes

When incorporating insights gained from metrics, hiring teams make sustainable, long-term improvements by recording errors contributing to poor results and discussing lessons learned amongst team members. Learning from past mistakes allows team members to adapt to current conditions in the talent market. For example, if there was an increase in first-year attrition in the past two years, an element in your onboarding process likely needs to be changed. Gathering feedback from new hires is a great way to learn about the problems that hiring teams must prioritize and solve. 

Regularly discuss analytics about quality of hire and recruitment amongst your team. Conduct post-hiring interviews to learn about aspects of the hiring process that can be improved. This should be an ongoing process that teams continue to revisit.

Recruitment Tools to Improve Hiring Efficiency

Top recruitment tools make processes easier and faster so team members can focus on bigger-picture items, such as growth and onboarding optimization. Tools that integrate automation and collaboration are particularly important for the recruitment function. Here are some examples:

  • Video conference software: Many of today’s positions and candidates are fully remote. This means you need a tool for video conferencing that will facilitate interviews as successfully as if they were held in person, like Zoom or Vidcruiter.
  • CRM platforms: Relationship management tools allow you to track applicants and candidates. Additionally, they facilitate better communication and help you stay organized.
  • Applicant tracking systems: These systems, such as Freshteam by Freshworks, help you track and manage applicants. You can see progress, store documents, and filter out finalists.
  • Onboarding software: Onboarding tools help you create an efficient, positive experience for new hires. They provide views of company information, important documents, and job-related onboarding tasks on a single platform.
  • Productivity platforms: Once employees are onboarded, keeping track of how long it takes them to fully feel comfortable in the role is important. Productivity platforms aid you in monitoring performance metrics.

These five tools help provide a more satisfying experience for new hires while helping recruitment teams stay efficient. With data analytics capacities and visualization features, your teams can gain visibility on the recruitment process. 

Set Efficient Hiring Goals With Revelo

Developing a clear strategy and using the right tools are essential to improving the recruitment process. The right hiring metrics, including quality of hire metrics, help you understand what you can improve in the pipeline to promote HR and business success. 

Revelo can help. We match businesses with developers who are time-zone-aligned and rigorously vetted. We ensure talent has the technical skills, soft skills, and English proficiency necessary for your open roles. We also help with sourcing, onboarding, payroll, benefits administration, taxes, and local compliance, providing support for a smooth transition. 

With Revelo, you can improve your tech recruiting process for higher candidate engagement and employee retention. Learn more about our tech talent platform and start hiring today.

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