13 Recruiting Trends That Will Impact Your Industry in 2024

Hire Remote Developers
Bruna Vasconcelos
Bruna Vasconcelos
Head of People

Table of Contents

Shifting expectations in the workforce and technological advancements continue to shape recruiting trends across various industries. Explore the top 13 recruitment trends affecting industries in 2024.
Published on
January 16, 2024
Updated on
June 26, 2024

Recruiting has evolved significantly in recent years thanks to technological advancements and changing workforce expectations. Understanding current trends is crucial for companies to remain competitive, especially in today’s fast-changing labor market. These trends, particularly in the tech sector, include the expansion of remote work, the rise of virtual recruiting, and the integration of predictive analytics. 

Each plays a significant role in shaping how companies attract and retain talent and demand recruiters adapt their strategies to attract top talent. Overlooking them could result in missed opportunities and falling behind in an increasingly dynamic market. 

This article will review 13 key developments for tech recruiters today. It will also cover diversity and inclusion, proactive candidate engagement, and the use of AI in recruitment. These insights will help recruiters looking to navigate the evolving recruitment landscape effectively.

1. Expansion of Remote Work

The expansion of remote work is reshaping tech recruiting. Companies now look beyond their local areas, tapping into a global tech talent pool. This shift not only broadens the talent search but also brings diverse perspectives and skills to teams.

Engineering managers and HR professionals are adapting to remote hiring processes, focusing on skills and fit rather than geographical location. This means access to a broader range of skilled professionals who can seamlessly integrate into their teams despite the distance.

A defined remote work policy helps companies attract competitive new hires and capture the full potential of the global tech talent market.

2. Virtual Recruiting

Virtual recruiting is a prominent trend in today's recruitment landscape and involves using digital platforms and tools to attract, assess, and engage candidates. Tools like LinkedIn Recruiter have become vital in this process, helping recruiters discover and connect with potential candidates globally.

Virtual recruitment enhances the candidate experience by offering flexibility and convenience with interviews and assessments online. Exceptional virtual recruiting efforts focus on presenting an organization's culture from a candidate's initial interaction with open roles.

3. Recruitment Automation

Automation is becoming increasingly central to the recruitment process, with tools like human resources management systems (HRMS) transforming how recruiters manage candidate relationships and track applicants. HRMS enhances the overall recruitment experience by streamlining tasks like resume handling, interview scheduling, and monitoring recruitment progress for all parties involved. Companies that automate recruitment process tasks can significantly reduce the recruitment timeline and hiring time, a key factor in candidate satisfaction.

The use of recruitment automation software to streamline repetitive, manual tasks will continue to grow in 2024. Examples of this automation include: 

  • Automated interview scheduling tools coordinate meeting times between candidates and hiring teams, reducing the time spent on back-and-forth communication.
  • Asynchronous video technology lets candidates record responses to interview questions, accelerating the hiring process.
  • Customer relationship management systems tailored for recruitment help manage and nurture candidate relationships throughout the hiring cycle.

4. Diversity and Inclusion Focus

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are increasingly important to candidates. Over half of candidates say a company’s DEI efforts are key in deciding what jobs to take. A DEI-focused organization values and embraces diverse perspectives and backgrounds and prioritizes the well-being of all employees, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, or socioeconomic status. This also extends to inclusive recruitment.

When recruiting for software teams, it's important that companies express a commitment to diversity and inclusivity in job postings. Assembling diverse interview panels that include members from underrepresented groups also helps foster a sense of belonging among candidates. Monitoring metrics like the racial and ethnic diversity of interviewees or the proportion of women interviewed can also be telling and helpful in tracking DEI goals.

5. Proactive Candidate Engagement

Proactive recruiting involves active talent sourcing and engaging with potential candidates before a job opening is available. This strategy creates a pool of potential hires, or talent pipeline, ready for future roles, transforming your approach to recruitment from reactive to strategic. It focuses on building relationships and trust with prospects over time. This method allows for a thorough evaluation of candidates' skills and experience, paving the way for forming top-tier teams in the future.

To be successful with a proactive recruitment process, companies should use recruitment marketing strategies to enhance their job market presence and build a compelling employer brand.

6. Employer Branding

Employer branding refers to a company’s reputation in the labor market. Recruitment marketing strategies can boost a company’s brand by showcasing the company's culture and values across various channels, creating a positive perception that attracts top talent. For example, companies can:

  • Use platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to showcase company culture, post job openings, and engage with potential candidates.
  • Feature current employees' stories on the company's career page or social media channels to give candidates authentic insights into the company culture.
  • Create blogs, videos, or infographics highlighting the company's work environment, employee experience, values, and achievements, which can attract candidates aligned with the company's ethos.

7. Gen Z Candidates

Gen Z's entrance into the workforce is shaping talent acquisition trends. This generation values work-life balance and seeks companies that offer flexible work arrangements and a culture aligned with their values.

“Zoomers” are digital natives, expecting tech-savvy recruitment processes with seamless, engaging digital experiences. For engineering managers, directors, and HR professionals, adapting recruiting industry trends to cater to Gen Z means embracing digital tools, showcasing company culture authentically online, and emphasizing work flexibility. This approach attracts Gen Z talent and aligns with the evolving landscape of tech recruitment.

8. Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics in recruiting involves analyzing past and current data to forecast future hiring trends and candidate success. This approach helps hiring managers anticipate future needs and behaviors, guiding strategic planning in talent acquisition. It's a forward-looking analysis, grounded in data, to make informed predictions about future recruitment outcomes.

A few ways to use predictive analytics include:

  • Using historical hiring data to build models that predict the potential success of candidates in specific roles
  • Analyzing patterns in employee turnover to predict future rates and identify ways to reduce turnover
  • Examining data from past high-performing employees to identify common traits and use them to screen new candidates

9. Data-Driven Recruiting

On the other hand, data-driven recruiting typically focuses on analyzing existing data to optimize current recruitment processes. Also known as recruitment analytics, data-driven recruiting involves tracking and evaluating metrics such as time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and source effectiveness. This data-driven approach helps hiring managers understand what's working and what's not in their current recruiting strategies.

Strengthening data-driven recruiting efforts can look like:

  • Analyzing which recruiting channels (like LinkedIn, job boards, or referrals) yield the most successful hires
  • Monitoring the average time it takes to fill different roles and identifying any delays to make recruitment more efficient
  • Analyzing candidate interactions, including email open rates or response times, to improve communication and engagement strategies

10. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is becoming a crucial part of tech recruiting trends, streamlining processes from sourcing to onboarding. It helps in refining candidate searches, ensuring better matches, and optimizing recruitment budgets by automating routine tasks. This integration of AI in recruiting aligns with the overall drive toward efficiency and accuracy in talent acquisition.

Generative AI (GAI) —  AI that can generate new content, ideas, or data patterns based on existing information and training — in particular offers many opportunities for efficiency. Research from LinkedIn found that “68% of hirers surveyed in February 2023” were “‘very hopeful’ or ‘cautiously optimistic’ about the impact of GAI on recruiting.”

For example, GAI can:

  • Craft detailed and tailored job descriptions at scale that align closely with each role’s specific requirements
  • Create personalized responses and follow-up messages in order to maintain consistent and engaging communication with candidates
  • Produce relevant and role-specific interview questions for a more thorough candidate assessment process

11. Chatbots in Recruitment

Recruiters are also more likely using chatbots today. These tools are not only reshaping how companies approach hiring but also improving the overall recruitment process. Recruiters can use chatbots programmed to perform a range of tasks that traditionally required human intervention, bringing efficiency and consistency to the early stages of recruiting. This integration of technology allows for more strategic allocation of human resources within the hiring process.

Some of the benefits of chatbots include:

  • Reducing human bias: Using standardized questions and responses, chatbots help minimize human biases in the initial screening for a more equitable hiring strategy.
  • Enhancing candidate experience: Chatbots provide immediate, 24/7 interaction, ensuring candidates feel engaged and informed throughout the application process, improving their overall experience.
  • Improving hire quality: By efficiently handling initial screenings, chatbots allow recruiters more time to focus on in-depth evaluations, leading to better quality hires.
  • Streamlining recruitment processes: Chatbots automate repetitive tasks like scheduling interviews and answering FAQs, speeding up the recruitment cycle.
  • Gathering valuable insights: Chatbots collect data from interactions with candidates, providing analytics that can be used to refine hiring strategies and processes.

12. Focus on Mental Health Benefits

Almost half of recruiters report that job seekers have been asking more questions about mental health benefits over the past few years. This is an important recruiting trend for companies to focus on.

Benefits such as access to counseling services, wellness programs, and flexible work arrangements can make a company more attractive to top job seekers. These benefits support employees’ well-being and contribute to a productive work environment. They reflect a company's commitment to its employees' overall well-being, making it a more attractive employer.

13. Flexibility and Adaptability in Hiring Using Contractors

Trends in recruiting show a surge in contract roles across industries, with paid job posts for contractors in the U.S. increasing 26% from 2021 to 2022, according to LinkedIn data. Unlike freelancers, who work as needed without a long-term commitment, contractors engage in specific projects under a contract.

These workers are mission-driven, adaptable to new projects, and suitable for temporary organizational needs. In modern recruitment strategies, integrating contractors is advantageous for flexibility and budget management, especially in high-level roles and during transitional periods like mergers. Companies benefit from this trend by balancing their workforce with a mix of full-time employees and contractors, enhancing flexibility and cost-efficiency.

A few examples of this recruitment strategy in tech include:

  • Project-based software development: A company undergoing a large-scale software development project could hire contractors with specific technical expertise, allowing them to scale up their development team temporarily to meet project deadlines.
  • IT system overhaul: For a major IT infrastructure update, a company might bring in contractors who specialize in the technologies the company is migrating to, ensuring a smooth transition without long-term staffing commitments.
  • Short-term product testing: In preparation for a new product launch, a tech company could employ contractors for short-term, intensive testing phases, benefiting from their specialized skills in quality assurance and user experience testing.

Recruiting Tools That Help Companies Stay Ahead of the Curve

Using the right tools is essential to keep pace with evolving trends like remote work, virtual recruiting, and recruitment automation. These tools help organizations access a broader talent pool and make recruitment more efficient and candidate-friendly.

For instance, in the tech sector, adapting to remote work requires tools that facilitate global talent search and integration, while virtual recruiting tools like LinkedIn Recruiter make candidate engagement more flexible. Additionally, automation software streamlines manual processes so companies can focus on strategic aspects like DEI and predictive analytics.

By adopting these modern recruitment tools, companies can effectively adapt to changes in the landscape while attracting and retaining the best talent available in the labor market.

LinkedIn Recruiter

LinkedIn Recruiter stands out for its extensive network of professionals and advanced search capabilities, enabling recruiters to easily find and connect with potential candidates. It also offers valuable tools for applicant tracking and managing recruitment processes. However, its premium cost can be a disadvantage for smaller companies or those with limited budgets.

Key points about LinkedIn Recruiter include:

  • Targeted search capabilities: LinkedIn Recruiter’s advanced search filters let recruiters filter by characteristics like seniority, military veteran status, and years in their current position.
  • Direct candidate contact: LinkedIn Recruiter's InMail feature allows direct messaging to potential candidates, even those outside a recruiter's network, increasing outreach effectiveness.
  • Global reach:  LinkedIn Recruiter provides access to a vast pool of candidates across various industries and job levels.

Olivia by Paradox

Olivia by Paradox is a conversational recruiting software that adds a human touch to automation in recruitment. It's designed to cater to both high-volume hourly roles and high-skilled professional positions. Olivia streamlines crucial recruitment tasks such as screening and interview scheduling through mobile-first interactions. That said, Olivia’s mobile focus would be a poor fit if a company isn't mobile-first.

Some of Olivia’s most noteworthy features include:

  • Advanced candidate engagement: It uses natural language processing (NLP) to engage candidates in natural conversations, enhancing their experience and connection with the recruitment process.
  • AI efficiency: Olivia uses AI to save recruiters from manually filtering and contacting candidates for interviews.
  • Reduction of manual tasks: It has simple yet effective automation like interview reminders to candidates, which decreases no-shows.


Entelo is a unique platform that pulls candidate profiles from different platforms, social media footprints, and email addresses into one place. It combines that with predictive analytics features, like whether a candidate is “more likely to move” from the position they’re currently in, effectively creating a warm lead pipeline for recruiters. On the downside, Entelo’s volume of information can result in very busy candidate pages that are too time-consuming to scan quickly.

Entelo provides several analytical and reporting tools to aid recruitment, including:

  • Sourcing activity reports: Entelo tracks key activities like searches, profile views, and candidate contacts, giving a comprehensive view of talent pipeline management.
  • Diversity sourcing reports: These offer insights into diversity sourcing, breaking down candidate funnels by gender and ethnicity to optimize recruitment strategies for DEI goals.
  • Talent pool reports: Entelo helps tailor sourcing strategies by providing a breakdown of candidate pools based on specific criteria, enabling targeted talent acquisition.

Simplify Your Recruiting Strategy With Revelo

As the recruiting landscape evolves, Revelo helps companies connect with top-tier talent from Latin America. We have rigorously vetted developers for their technical and soft skills, as well as English proficiency. We streamline the onboarding process, helping with payroll, benefits administration, taxes, and local compliance. And our support doesn’t stop there: we also offer continuous support throughout the developer’s tenure, ensuring engagement and retention.

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