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Maximiliano O.

Back-end Developer
Central Timezone


10 years



Maximiliano O.

Adriana G.

Front-end Developer
Central Timezone


11 years



Adriana G.

Pedro M.

Game Developer
Pacific Timezone


8 years



Pedro M.

Pablo C.

Front-end Developer
Pacific Timezone


5 years



Pablo C.

Juan M.

Back-end Developer
Pacific Timezone


6 years



Juan M.

Luciana F.

Back-end Developer
Eastern Timezone + 1


8 years



Luciana F.

Nilda M.

Back-end Developer
Eastern Timezone + 1


6 years



Nilda M.

Ariana C.

Back-end Developer
Pacific Timezone


6 years



Ariana C.

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Tips for Hiring CakePHP developers

In web development, particularly within the open-source community, CakePHP developers are crucial for creating sophisticated and scalable websites and applications. The CakePHP framework's conventions-over-configuration philosophy accelerates development, allowing developers to write less code and build applications faster. As businesses seek to enhance their online services, the expertise of CakePHP developers becomes a sought-after commodity.

Hiring CakePHP developers means investing in rapid and reliable web application development. Their deep understanding of model-view-controller (MVC) architecture and the ability to integrate various tools and object-relational management (ORM) techniques result in robust, high-performance applications. Adept CakePHP developers are proficient in the framework and the nuances of SQL, MySQL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ensuring a comprehensive development approach.

Organizations looking to upgrade their web development capabilities often seek to hire CakePHP developers. These experts bring efficiency to project timelines and add value to technical teams by using CakePHP’s rich suite of features for streamlined, effective development cycles. Their role is critical in deploying resilient, secure, and maintainable web solutions that align with business needs.

However, finding the right dedicated CakePHP developer involves thorough vetting and testing. It also requires your HR personnel to have CakePHP and PHP developer hiring expertise.

What Is CakePHP?

CakePHP is a powerful framework for web development that follows the MVC architecture, making it a go-to choice for developers who want to build web applications with clear and logical structures. This framework is particularly beneficial for its rapid development capabilities, increasing on-time delivery of projects. With a set of conventions and built-in tools, CakePHP allows developers to focus more on the unique aspects of their application rather than repetitive coding tasks.

This framework is often used by startups and businesses that need to develop complex web applications with extensive functionality. For example, a company could use CakePHP to create a sophisticated shopping cart system for its e-commerce mobile app. The MVC pattern helps organize data handling, user interface, and control logic, allowing for efficient development and easy maintenance. By utilizing the CakePHP framework, companies roll out web applications quickly.

Because CakePHP streamlines development workflows, companies also save on development costs, which is especially important for startups that need to manage their budgets carefully. Additionally, the framework’s built-in tools for security and session handling make it a strong option for projects where data protection is a priority, like mobile apps that handle personal user information. Overall, CakePHP's ability to accelerate the development process without sacrificing functionality provides businesses with a significant competitive edge.

Why CakePHP Development?

CakePHP is a sturdy framework designed for creating web apps and mobile app back-ends efficiently. Its value lies in its ability to provide web solutions that are robust and scalable, which means it grows with business objective expansion. With CakePHP, developers are able to build applications quickly because the framework supplies an underlying base code, allowing developers to focus on building unique features and UX.

CakePHP helps companies develop applications that are both reliable and secure. It's particularly useful for businesses that need to process high data volume and handle complex transactions, like e-commerce platforms. CakePHP comes with tools that make it simpler to protect this data. Companies also use CakePHP to improve their existing mobile app infrastructure, ensuring that their apps are able to handle a high number of users and transactions without compromising performance.

By using CakePHP for their development needs, companies can expect to bring their products to market quickly. This rapid development cycle allows businesses to adapt to market changes more swiftly than competitors that might be using slower development processes. Being able to update and improve web apps and mobile apps rapidly in response to user feedback is a significant advantage in today’s fast-paced digital marketplace.

Benefits of CakePHP Development

CakePHP's clear conventions allow developers to concentrate on feature development rather than configuration complexities. Some of the specific benefits include:

  • Rapid development: With features like scaffolding and code generation, CakePHP speeds up the creation process so developers advance from concept to testing in less time.
  • Built-in tools: CakePHP comes with a suite of built-in tools for security and Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) operations—essential for robust back-end project requirements.
  • Flexibility with APIs: It's simple to create and work with APIs in CakePHP, allowing for easier integration with other systems and applications.
  • Extension development: The framework supports extension development, enabling the addition of custom functions without altering the core system.
  • Module development: CakePHP's modular structure allows for the development of reusable and maintainable code modules, streamlining future development efforts.

Fundamentally, CakePHP streamlines web development processes. CakePHP's structure simplifies and manages tasks that once required greater coding expertise and vigilant management of updates and security.

What Does a CakePHP Developer Do?

CakePHP developers excel in the creation and management of web platforms, using this robust PHP framework to meet specific project needs efficiently. Their tasks vary from company to company but generally include:

  • Crafting and modifying web applications or websites using the CakePHP framework to fulfill bespoke business requirements.
  • Developing plugins to extend functionality, tailoring solutions to enhance user interaction and satisfaction.
  • Streamlining project management with CakePHP’s built-in tools, ensuring timely upgrades and maintenance.
  • Incorporating APIs to connect with various services and expand the capabilities of the web solution.
  • Optimizing application performance by implementing efficient code, ensuring swift and responsive user experiences within the CakePHP environment.
  • Maintaining and enhancing existing web solutions by troubleshooting issues and integrating new features, keeping the platform current and competitive.

The role of a CakePHP developer is integral to delivering high-quality, scalable web solutions that drive business success through innovative and adaptive online platforms.

Required Skills and Qualifications

Top candidates for CakePHP development roles should possess a strong set of technical skills. They need to have a solid grasp of PHP, the core language of CakePHP, and be familiar with the MVC design pattern that organizes the app's data, logic, and interface.

Knowledge of front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is also necessary since they'll often work on the part of the app that users interact with. These developers should be comfortable working with databases, especially MySQL, and understand how to connect the database with the PHP code to store and retrieve data.

Beyond the hard skills, successful CakePHP developers should have excellent problem-solving abilities and be able to think logically through complex issues. They need to be clear communicators, adaptable enough to switch between different projects, and able to consistently meet deadlines.

While a degree in computer science or a related field is often beneficial, it's not always necessary. Many companies prioritize practical experience and a proven track record of successful projects. Certifications specifically in PHP or CakePHP, while not mandatory, showcase a commitment to the profession and a readiness to take on challenging development work.

Popular PHP Development-Related Languages and Libraries

Developers build and improve CakePHP applications using a mix of programming languages and libraries that align with the framework’s MVC architecture. The use of PHP primarily influences the application's functionality and scalability, while the incorporation of JavaScript, SQL, HTML, and CSS shapes the user experience. Additionally, libraries such as PHPMailer for email handling, Migrations Plugin for database management, and Faker for data generation streamline complex coding tasks and boost development efficiency.

Related Languages

Beyond PHP itself, there are several languages developers need to know to effectively use CakePHP. Having a strong understanding of these languages allows developers to push capabilities and create more manageable integrations. These programming languages include the following:

  • JavaScript: This language is crucial for adding interactive elements to web pages, making it a perfect complement to CakePHP when creating responsive and engaging user interfaces.
  • SQL: Mastery of SQL is essential for developers to efficiently query, update, and manage the data that drives a CakePHP application's functionality.
  • HTML/CSS: Developers rely on HTML to structure web content and use CSS to apply design principles, ensuring that CakePHP applications are not only functional but also visually appealing.

Related Libraries

CakePHP developers commonly use various external libraries that complement the CakePHP framework, enhancing its functionality or adding new features. Several examples are as follows:

  • PHPMailer: This is a full-featured email creation and transfer class for PHP. PHPMailer is often used within CakePHP applications to handle email-sending capabilities.
  • Migrations Plugin: Although it's a plugin, it functions like a library within CakePHP to manage database migrations, allowing developers to version the database changes and deploy them easily across different environments.
  • Faker: This PHP library generates fake data, which is useful for CakePHP developers when they need to seed their databases with sample data for testing and development purposes.

Popular CakePHP Development Programming Tools

Efficiency and clarity in code management are key to a CakePHP project's success. Essential tools have evolved to streamline the development process, allowing for better management of codebases, error resolution, and rapid application scaffolding. Below is a closer look at three pivotal tools that CakePHP developers often rely on:

  • Composer: Composer is a tool for managing PHP package dependencies, making it easier for developers to include and manage third-party libraries in their CakePHP projects. It ensures all components work together seamlessly by handling package installations and updates.
  • DebugKit: This CakePHP plugin provides a debugging toolbar and enhanced debugging tools. It helps developers identify and fix errors quickly, monitor performance, and understand the behavior of their applications during development.
  • Bake: Bake is a powerful console tool that comes with CakePHP. It automates code generation for models, controllers, and views, which speeds up development by creating the basic structure of the application that developers then build upon.

How Does CakePHP Development Fit Into Modern Back-end Development?

CakePHP is a significant player in modern back-end development. It expedites web development with a set of conventions and tools that reduce the need for repetitive code. This framework is especially beneficial for businesses looking to develop complex web applications with a PHP back-end, offering a structured yet flexible approach that works well with other technologies, including Java. It enables developers to create cohesive systems that execute extensive business logic and data manipulation.

Companies harness CakePHP's capabilities to build various applications, from e-commerce solutions with complex shopping carts to management systems that streamline internal operations. Its MVC architecture allows for a clear separation of concerns, making it easier for teams to collaborate on different aspects of the application without overlap. For instance, while one developer works on the database interactions, another can focus on the user interface, improving efficiency and accelerating time-to-market.

CakePHP offers a robust toolkit for programmers and companies that aim to build high-quality web applications efficiently. Its integration with Java and other technologies enables the creation of powerful, scalable back-end systems that support the demands of modern web environments. For a development team, a CakePHP developer often means the difference between a cutting-edge application and one that lags in functionality and user satisfaction.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a CakePHP Developer?

CakePHP developers in the U.S. with four to six years of experience earn an average salary between $84,000 and $148,000. However, this figure varies depending on location, experience level, and industry of employment. Additionally, annual bonuses, company equity options, and other benefits may affect the total compensation package.

CakePHP developers in Latin America match the expertise of U.S. developers but often have lower salary expectations due to regional cost of living differences, typically 30% to 50% less. Revelo provides access to these talented, rigorously evaluated Latin American professionals, ensuring quality development services at a more cost-effective price point.

Featured Tool: Tech Team Budget Calculator

Finding CakePHP Developers for Your Project

To find the best CakePHP developer, there are several actions companies take beyond evaluating resumes. A deep dive into the candidates' portfolios and code samples, especially those shared on platforms like GitHub, offer valuable insights into their coding standards, problem-solving skills, and familiarity with CakePHP's conventions. Looking for open-source and CakePHP contributions also reveal a candidate's commitment to the framework.

Additionally, practical coding tests or challenges specific to CakePHP help in understanding a candidate's approach to common tasks within the development framework. It’s helpful to discuss real scenarios or past project experiences that demonstrate a candidate's ability to handle complex back-end structures or integrate third-party services and APIs. Collaborative interviews involving current team members help assess how the candidate may fit within the development team's dynamics.

Why Hire CakePHP Developers With Revelo?

Hiring a CakePHP developer is often crucial for companies seeking to accelerate their development time and build robust, sophisticated web applications. These developers provide the technical backbone necessary for reliable and efficient digital services.

Revelo simplifies the recruitment challenge by connecting businesses with top-tier, vetted CakePHP developers from a global talent pool. We provide ongoing support with payroll, benefits, taxes, and local compliance, giving you peace of mind. Additionally, we offer support throughout a developer’s time with your company, ensuring that our approach delivers cost savings and efficiency compared to other engagement models.

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Yes, if for any reason you find the developer you hire isn't a good fit within the first 14 days - you pay nothing or we can find you a replacement at no additional cost.

How are Revelo
Revelo offers full-time remote
who share or highly overlap with your work day. You get world-class
in Latin America who speak English and are vetted on soft and technical skills. All
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Hiring a full-time developer through Revelo is a simple 3-step process. First, you tell us your hiring needs. Second, we match you to the best developers within 3 days. Third, you interview the candidates you like and hire the one you like most.

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