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Jaime O.

Eastern Timezone + 1


5 years



Jaime O.

Eduarda B.

Front-end Developer
Pacific Timezone


10 years



Eduarda B.

Liliana S.

Fullstack Developer
Mountain Timezone


6 years



Liliana S.

Flávia V.

Fullstack Developer
Central Timezone


11 years



Flávia V.

Fabricio B.

Mobile Developer
Eastern Timezone + 1


10 years



Fabricio B.

Jose S.

Fullstack Developer
Eastern Timezone + 1


11 years



Jose S.

Oscar D.

Fullstack Developer
Eastern Timezone


11 years



Oscar D.

Luciana F.

Back-end Developer
Eastern Timezone + 1


8 years



Luciana F.

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Tips for Hiring Spring Boot developers

A Spring Boot developer specializes in using the Spring Boot framework, an extension of the Java platform. This framework simplifies the bootstrapping and development of new Spring applications. The key advantage of Spring Boot is its ability to create standalone, production-grade Spring-based applications with minimal effort. Businesses often use this framework to develop robust and scalable applications that align with modern software architecture standards.

Hiring Spring Boot developers is especially beneficial for businesses looking to modernize legacy Java applications or build fast, new services. Spring Boot's opinionated view of the Spring platform and third-party libraries allows rapid application development so businesses are able to quickly adapt to market changes and customer needs.

However, it’s often competitive to hire Spring Boot developers with enterprise-level skills—demand is higher than supply. Additionally, finding candidates with technical proficiency, soft skills, and English fluency is a tricky balance. Companies need to have a well-defined recruitment strategy and a clear understanding of the Spring Boot skillset to attract and retain the right talent.

What Is Spring Boot Development?

Spring Boot development is a type of software development that uses the Java-based Spring Framework to create web applications and microservices. The main purpose of this framework is to reduce the complexity and time it takes to develop enterprise applications. With the help of this framework, developers quickly create robust and easy-to-maintain applications with minimal configuration. It is also well-suited for developing microservices and cloud-native applications.

Spring Boot development is heavily based on convention over configuration, meaning developers don’t need to spend extra time configuring the application. It is commonly used for projects that require quick development and deployment, such as web applications, RESTful API services, cloud-native applications, or microservices. Additionally, Spring Boot development is well-suited for projects requiring scalability and high performance.

Why Spring Boot?

Spring Boot development offers a range of benefits, chief among them being its auto-configuration feature. Auto-configuration simplifies the development process by automatically setting up application configurations based on the included dependencies. This eliminates much of the manual, boilerplate code that usually goes with setting up a Java-based application, allowing for faster development, fewer errors, and shorter time-to-market for new features and applications.

In a business context, Spring Boot's applications are diverse and impactful. Its ability to support the creation of microservices—small, independently deployable modules—makes it an excellent choice for businesses looking to build scalable, modular applications. This modularity is especially beneficial for large enterprises that require systems with high levels of flexibility and resilience.

Additionally, Spring Boot's compatibility with a wide range of data formats and services within the Spring ecosystem allows for easy integration with existing infrastructure, making it a versatile tool for both developing new applications and upgrading legacy systems.

Another benefit is Spring Boot's robust ecosystem. It includes comprehensive documentation and community support so developers have the resources they need to tackle a wide range of development challenges.

A code example of a service class that implements the business logic for managing the person entities.
Figure 1: An example of a service class that implements the business logic for managing the person entities. The @Service annotation marks the class as a service component and the @Autowired annotation injects the person repository.

Benefits of Spring Boot

Spring Boot offers significant benefits, including auto-configuration, simplified deployment with embedded server support, efficient design patterns, modularity, and Spring Security integration. These advantages streamline development and enhance performance:

  • Auto-configuration: Spring Boot enables rapid application development, largely due to its auto-configuration feature. This allows developers to bypass the tedious process of setting up and configuring Spring applications, leading to quicker project completions.
  • Embeddable server support: With embedded server support, Spring Boot simplifies the deployment process. Developers easily package applications as standalone, production-grade Spring applications, which run anywhere without needing an external server setup.
  • Efficient design patterns: Spring Boot employs various design patterns that ensure clean, efficient, and maintainable code. This makes the framework both powerful and flexible, suitable for a wide range of applications.
  • Modularity and customizable modules: The framework's modular nature lends itself to unit testing, which improves code quality. This modularity also makes Spring Boot applications easy to maintain and update.
  • Spring Security integration: Spring Boot seamlessly integrates with Spring Security, offering robust security features that are essential for protecting applications from threats and vulnerabilities.

What Does a Spring Boot Developer Do?

A Spring Boot developer's primary responsibility is to create applications using the Spring Boot framework. Their duties may vary depending on the development project requirements, but when hiring Spring Boot developers, they typically perform tasks such as:

  • Working with Java and other coding languages to build applications
  • Implementing web frameworks such as Spring MVC and Hibernate
  • Writing code that is scalable, robust, and secure
  • Troubleshooting and debugging applications
  • Developing APIs
  • Writing automated tests to ensure the quality of code
  • Developing cloud-native applications with Spring Cloud, Kubernetes, and other technologies
  • Following best practices for developing secure applications
  • Working closely with project managers and other teams to ensure they deliver applications on time
  • Identifying and implementing improvements for existing applications

Required Skills and Qualifications

Top Spring Boot candidates should have strong Java programming skills and deep knowledge of Spring Framework, along with proficiency in building RESTful APIs. Full-stack developers should be well-versed in front-end technologies like Angular, Vue, and ReactJS. Familiarity with containerization tools like Docker, databases such as PostgreSQL and MongoDB, and experience with Node.js is valuable.

In addition to experience with these concepts, developers should also have familiarity with SQL and NoSQL databases, and the integration of these databases with Spring applications using Spring Data JPA or similar technologies.

Additionally, candidates should possess problem-solving abilities, excellent communication skills, and a strong understanding of software development best practices. A bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field, along with relevant certifications, can further validate their expertise and commitment to staying updated in the field. 

In some cases, practical experience can act as a substitute for a formal degree, but regardless of educational background, all candidates should have a strong portfolio that showcases their understanding of Spring Boot capabilities.

Code showing a model class that represents a person entity with name and age attributes.
Figure 2: A model class that represents a person entity with name and age attributes. The @Entity annotation marks the class as a JPA entity and the @Id and @GeneratedValue annotations define the primary key.

Popular Spring Boot-Related Languages and Libraries

In Spring Boot development, a blend of programming languages and libraries shapes the framework’s versatility, efficiency, and functionality. Java anchors Spring Boot with its robustness and extensive ecosystem, Kotlin introduces additional expressiveness with its concise syntax, and Groove facilitates concise code. Key libraries like Hibernate, Spring MVC, and Thymeleaf enrich Spring Boot, offering streamlined ORM for databases, a flexible MVC framework for web apps, and dynamic server-side HTML rendering.

Related Languages

Spring Boot, as a robust and versatile framework, integrates seamlessly with several programming languages. These languages maximize Spring Boot’s potential, each offering unique features that contribute to the framework’s effectiveness. The most popular languages related to Spring Boot include the following:

  • Java: The primary language for Spring Boot, Java offers a high level of stability and a vast ecosystem, making it ideal for enterprise-level applications and complex backend systems.
  • Kotlin: Gaining popularity for its concise syntax and interoperability with Java, Kotlin is a modern language that brings additional expressiveness and safety features to Spring Boot development.
  • Groovy: Known for its simplicity and dynamic capabilities, Groovy complements Spring Boot by enabling more streamlined and less verbose code, particularly useful in scripting and testing within the Spring ecosystem.

Related Libraries

Spring Boot integrates seamlessly with various libraries to enhance its functionality. Among these, Hibernate, Spring MVC, and Thymeleaf stand out for their specific roles in application development, each bringing unique capabilities that enrich the overall experience of using Spring Boot. They contribute to Spring Boot in some of the following ways:

  • Hibernate: An object-relational mapping (ORM) tool for Java, Hibernate facilitates the mapping of Java classes to database tables, simplifying database operations and data management within Spring Boot applications.
  • Spring MVC: A model-view-controller framework that forms the backbone of web applications in the Spring ecosystem. It allows for the development of flexible and loosely coupled web applications, integrating smoothly with Spring Boot for an efficient web development process.
  • Thymeleaf: A server-side Java template engine for standalone and web environments, ideal for HTML5. In Spring Boot, Thymeleaf offers a natural templating mechanism that is easily integrated for dynamic content generation in web applications.
A Spring Boot application with a main class that runs the application.
Figure 3: A Spring Boot application with a main class that runs the application, using the @SpringBootApplication annotation to enable auto-configuration, component scanning, and other features.

Popular Spring Boot Programming Tools

For a Spring Boot developer, the choice of programming tools is critical in defining the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of the development process. The following tools, integrated into a Spring Boot programmer’s workflow, help them meet high performance and reliability standards:

  • Maven: A build automation tool primarily used for Java projects, Maven simplifies the process of building and managing Spring Boot projects. It handles project dependencies and ensures consistent builds, making it easier for developers to manage complex projects with multiple libraries and modules.
  • Tomcat: Apache Tomcat functions as a web server and servlet container, crucial for deploying Java-based web applications, including those developed with Spring Boot. Its wide usage, robustness, and ease of integration make it a preferred choice for Spring Boot developers looking to test and deploy their web applications effectively.
  • Jetty: Jetty is another popular web server and servlet engine used in the development and deployment of Java applications. Known for its lightweight nature and high performance, Jetty is especially useful for embedded instances and microservices developed with Spring Boot, offering an efficient alternative to more heavyweight servers.

How Does Spring Boot Fit Into Modern Back-end Development?

Spring Boot has carved out a prominent niche in modern back-end development. At its core, Spring Boot takes the robust Spring framework and enhances it with auto-configuration capabilities, eliminating much of the manual setup and boilerplate code associated with traditional Java applications. Its ability to independently deploy small, modular services that work together in a larger application streamlines the development process and enhances scalability.

In real-world applications, Spring Boot's benefits extend to a variety of sectors. Financial services, for instance, use Spring Boot for secure, transactional back-end systems that handle sensitive data and complex business logic. E-commerce platforms leverage it to create dynamic, scalable back-end services that more easily handle fluctuating traffic and large volumes of data. In both cases, Spring Boot's integration capabilities with various databases and messaging systems, along with its robust security features, make it a reliable choice.

By employing developers skilled in Spring Boot, companies not only accelerate their back-end development processes but also ensure that they are building applications that are secure, maintainable, and ready to scale as per business needs. This alignment with contemporary development practices and business goals underscores Spring Boot’s relevance today.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Spring Boot Developer?

The typical yearly income for a U.S.-based Spring Boot developer with four to six years of experience ranges between $69,000 to $125,000. This figure, however, may vary based on different factors, including the company's geographical location and the sector it operates in. Additional compensation, including yearly bonuses, stock options, or profit sharing programs may also affect these estimates.

When considering hiring Spring Boot developers, it's worth exploring the talent pool in Latin American countries. Developers there possess comparable skills and expertise but often have salaries 30% to 50% lower than those in the U.S., primarily due to the reduced cost of living in their regions.

Navigating the Latin American market for the right talent requires specific insights and resources. This is where Revelo steps in, offering a streamlined way to connect with thoroughly vetted, top-tier Latin American developers. By partnering with Revelo, organizations more easily achieve cost-efficient development without sacrificing project quality.

Featured Tool: Tech Team Budget Calculator

Finding Spring Boot Developers for Your Project

When seeking to hire Spring Boot developers, hiring managers should look for candidates with strong foundational knowledge in areas beyond the languages, libraries, and tools above. These include Spring Data, JPA (Java Persistence API), and JDBC (Java Database Connectivity). Proficiency in these areas is critical for developers to effectively handle database operations and management within Spring Boot applications. Additionally, experience with AWS and microservices architecture indicates a candidate's ability to build scalable, cloud-based applications—a vital skill in today's distributed computing environment.

Another crucial aspect is assessing a candidate's proficiency in practices that are integral to modern software development. Familiarity with Git for version control is a must because it indicates the developer's capability to work collaboratively and manage code effectively in a team setting. Similarly, a strong understanding of dependency injection, a core principle of the Spring framework, is essential. This skill demonstrates the candidate's ability to write modular, testable, and maintainable code. Moreover, experience in writing unit tests, potentially with XML configurations, is an indicator of a developer who values quality and understands the importance of robust testing in the software development lifecycle.

In addition to technical skills, managers should also consider a candidate's adaptability and problem-solving abilities, especially in fast-paced environments where requirements often change rapidly. Candidates who show an ability to learn and adapt, demonstrated through their work with evolving technology stacks or their contributions to complex projects, are invaluable. By focusing on these nuanced aspects, hiring managers ensure that they select Spring Boot developers who not only possess the necessary technical skills but also align with the company's dynamic needs and culture, driving successful outcomes in their software projects.

Why Hire Spring Boot Developers With Revelo?

Spring Boot developers help create efficient, scalable, and robust back-end systems—crucial for many businesses today. These developers bring a unique blend of expertise in modern software architecture, such as microservices and cloud-based solutions so that applications are both high-performing and future-proof.

However, Spring Boot requires specialized knowledge. This makes it difficult to hire Spring Boot developers with enterprise-level skills. This is where Revelo assists—by providing a talent platform of Spring Boot developers vetted for technical knowledge, people skills, and English fluency. 

Revelo’s comprehensive service handles not just the initial hiring, but also helps with ongoing aspects such as payroll, benefits administration, taxes, and local compliance. Our expertise promotes the smooth integration and long-term retention of developers within your company.

Contact Revelo to hire Spring Boot developers today.

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