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Flávia V.

Fullstack Developer
Central Timezone


11 years



Flávia V.

Ellen P.

Data Developer
Central Timezone


6 years



Ellen P.

Mateus O.

Data Developer
Eastern Timezone + 1


8 years



Mateus O.

Bruno D.

Fullstack Developer
Central Timezone


8 years



Bruno D.

Rodolfo C.

Data Developer
Eastern Timezone


15 years



Rodolfo C.

Valéria D.

Game Developer
Central Timezone


8 years



Valéria D.

Alberto P.

Back-end Developer
Eastern Timezone


12 years



Alberto P.

Jose S.

Fullstack Developer
Eastern Timezone + 1


11 years



Jose S.

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Tips for Hiring Umbraco developers

Navigating the rapid advancements in web technologies is critical for today's tech leaders, especially when optimizing an organization’s online presence. This often involves harnessing powerful platforms like Umbraco, a comprehensive content management system (CMS) built on the .NET framework. Hiring competent Umbraco developers significantly enhances digital strategy, offering complete control over a website's design and functionality while ensuring scalability to accommodate evolving business needs.

Sourcing dedicated Umbraco developers who fully exploit this platform's capabilities isn't always easy. Umbraco developers are architects of online identity and play a key role in driving business growth. The difference between staying afloat or outpacing competitors can hinge upon securing the right talent.

What Is Umbraco?

Umbraco is a powerful open-source CMS built on the Microsoft .NET framework, widely praised for its flexibility and freedom. It offers developers complete control over web application design and functionality, aligning directly with business brand images and specific needs. This adaptability makes Umbraco ideal for several types of projects, from simple brochure sites to multifaceted e-commerce platforms or interactive mobile apps with a back-end CMS.

Umbraco's broad adaptability doesn't stop at website development. It extends to seamless integration with vital systems like CRMs or marketing tools. This broad capability enables businesses to streamline operations and enhance user experiences, driving growth and success.

Why Umbraco?

Umbraco excels in creating robust, high-performance web applications that stand out in today's competitive digital landscape. One of the primary reasons businesses choose Umbraco is its comprehensive content management capabilities that enable efficient updating of digital content.

Whether it powers an e-commerce store requiring constant product updates or a corporate website publishing regular news and blog posts, Umbraco’s intuitive interface simplifies these tasks. In an era where mobile browsing dominates desktop use, selecting a platform that supports mobile app development is critical. In this area, Umbraco excels by offering compatibility with mobile apps through its flexible CMS development—meeting business needs across all devices.

A Local Umbraco application providing a list of functions used in web application development.
Figure 1: A Local Umbraco application providing a list of functions used in web application development.

Benefits of Umbraco

Umbraco's powerful features extend beyond content management and adaptability, offering unique advantages that make it an invaluable asset for digital businesses. Here are some benefits an organization can expect when hiring Umbraco developers:

  • Advanced media management: Umbraco excels at managing large volumes of digital media. Its built-in media library organizes and streamlines content, making handling high-resolution images, videos, and downloadable files easy.
  • Cloud support: With Umbraco Cloud, features include automatic updates, unlimited hosting, and smooth deployments. This service reduces the time spent on setup and configuration, letting developers focus more on creating the best possible user experiences.
  • Content flow: Umbraco’s Content Flow feature allows multiple team members to work on content simultaneously without conflict or confusion. This boosts productivity by facilitating seamless collaboration.
  • Multilingual support: If a business operates across borders or caters to a diverse audience, the multilingual features of Umbraco may be beneficial. The system supports over 15 languages for back-office users and more for website localization.

Investing in Umbraco CMS development means gaining these additional benefits, which extend far beyond web application construction—from superior media management to more efficient collaborations.

What Does an Umbraco Developer Do?

An Umbraco developer is a specialized software engineer who utilizes the Umbraco CMS platform to build and manage web applications. Their objective is to create user-friendly, efficient, customized websites catering to specific business needs. They work closely with design and project management teams, translating design concepts into functional sites.

Some typical responsibilities for an Umbraco developer include:

  • Developing new functionalities for existing Umbraco websites or applications
  • Customizing the back end of the CMS to meet unique client requirements
  • Implementing upgrades and patches released by the Umbraco community
  • Troubleshooting issues that arise on the site and resolving them promptly
  • Collaborating with other developers and team members to ensure seamless execution of web projects

An Umbraco developer essentially takes complete control of the development process, ensuring that everything from the initial setup to daily operations runs smoothly.

Required Skills and Qualifications

To successfully navigate Umbraco CMS development, a skilled Umbraco developer should have a well-rounded mix of hard and soft skills.

Technical proficiency in ASP.NET is essential, as Umbraco is built upon this framework. Developers should also be adept at using HTML/CSS to design and structure web pages within the Umbraco environment. Knowledge of JavaScript proves beneficial for enhancing interactivity on assembled sites. Familiarity with SQL databases is important, too, because it's used to store content in Umbraco CMS.

Problem-solving aptitude is paramount during the development cycle. Developers will need to efficiently troubleshoot issues that arise during development or post-deployment. Strong communication skills are also vital for conveying complex technical scenarios to non-technical team members or stakeholders. As projects evolve, adaptability becomes crucial as developers are required to accommodate changing client needs.

While there's no specific degree required to become an Umbraco developer, a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field provides a solid foundation in programming concepts and languages relevant to this role. Some developers may also hold certifications from recognized institutions specializing in .NET technologies or specific training on using the Umbraco CMS.

Hiring an Umbraco developer isn't just about their ability to code. They must have an understanding of business needs and the ability to translate this understanding into functional web applications for their organization.

Popular Umbraco-Related Languages and Libraries

Knowledge of specific languages and libraries is necessary for developers to plan, implement, and maintain web applications throughout the development cycle. Understanding these tools helps identify the right developer for an organization’s needs, ensuring they have the necessary skills to build effective solutions on the Umbraco platform.

Related Languages

  • ASP.NET: As an open-source platform built on Microsoft's .Net framework, proficiency in ASP.NET is fundamental for any Umbraco developer. It forms the basis of coding custom functionalities within an Umbraco CMS.
  • C#: C# (C Sharp) is a general-purpose language essential for back-end programming in this context. Its object-oriented nature allows developers to write clean and maintainable code.
  • JavaScript: With its wide use in web development, JavaScript brings interactivity to Umbraco websites or applications, enhancing UX with responsive design elements.

Related Libraries

  • UmbracoAPI: The official library for interacting with Umbraco's back-office services. Developers use it to create, update, or delete content types, such as media files, alongside other functions.
  • Examine: Examine is a powerful indexing and search library used with Umbraco. It simplifies complex search tasks, boosting site performance through efficient data handling.
  • ImageProcessor.Web.Plugins.UmbracoFileSystemProvider: This library allows developers to manage images efficiently within an application or website created using Umbraco CMS. It provides features for resizing images dynamically and caching them for improved performance.

Understanding these popular languages and libraries associated with Umbraco provides clarity when hiring an experienced developer who successfully meets project requirements.

Popular Umbraco-Related Programming Tools

Numerous tools are available to assist developers in crafting robust, high-performing websites and applications using the Umbraco CMS. Here are some popular options:

  • Visual Studio: Microsoft's Visual Studio is a comprehensive development environment that provides essential features for .NET Framework development, which is critical for Umbraco CMS programming. It offers debugging tools, IntelliSense for code completion assistance, and rich language services.
  • NuGet: This package manager for the .NET platform allows developers to quickly integrate libraries and tools into their projects. In the context of Umbraco development, NuGet gives access to many packages that extend functionality or provide pre-built solutions.
  • Git: This version control system enables multiple developers to work on a project without overwriting each other's changes. For large-scale web application projects built with Umbraco, Git is invaluable when managing code revisions.
  • IIS (Internet Information Services): Microsoft’s IIS aids in managing and hosting websites and web applications on Windows servers — this is necessary when deploying an Umbraco application.
  • SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS): Given that Umbraco stores its data on an SQL Server database, SSMS is instrumental in managing this data effectively.
  • Umbraco Courier: An add-on tool specifically designed for Umbraco CMS, this helps manage content transfers between different environments efficiently.

Understanding these programming tools gives hiring managers insight into the technical requirements of their prospective hires, as well as their project needs.

An example of an Umbraco model’s robust code customization options.
Figure 2: An example of an Umbraco model’s robust code customization options.

How Does Umbraco Fit Into Modern Web Development?

Umbraco is pivotal in facilitating complex, high-performance applications in contemporary web development. For example, if an engineering team is tasked with developing an enterprise-level website with intricate content hierarchies and workflows, Umbraco offers a go-to solution due to its extensive capabilities and extensibility.

In this case, an Umbraco developer must leverage the platform's CMS capabilities to build content structures that mirror the organization's business logic. This includes creating multilingual sites or those that require complex permission structures. The result is an intuitive interface for content editors and streamlined workflows to aid productivity.

App developers can use Umbraco as a headless CMS for their mobile apps. This approach decouples content management from the presentation layer, allowing them to distribute consistent content across different platforms while using preferred technologies for app development.

Hiring an Umbraco developer means investing in versatility and efficiency—qualities that are vital in today's fast-paced digital landscape, where adaptability defines success.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Umbraco Developer?

The average annual salary for a mid-level Umbraco developer in the U.S. is around $114,999. This figure may vary based on factors such as the developer's years of experience, geographical location, and the complexity of their projects. This average salary projection often includes additional compensation like bonuses or stock options.

In contrast, highly competent developers in Latin American countries earn significantly less due to a lower cost of living—typically between 30% and 50% less than their U.S. peers. These salaries also vary depending on location and experience level but provide a more cost-effective solution for businesses seeking quality talent without heavily impacting their budget.

Revelo bridges this gap by connecting you with these top-tier, pre-vetted Latin American developers, ensuring that you receive unparalleled service without compromising on quality.

Featured Tool: Tech Team Budget Calculator

Finding Umbraco Developers for Your Project

Finding the right Umbraco developer for your project requires strategic planning. It's not only about locating a professional with technical aptitude but someone experienced in building applications similar to what you envision. It may seem like searching for a needle in a haystack, but it doesn't have to be.

Start by defining the specific skill set you seek in an Umbraco developer. As mentioned earlier, knowledge of ASP.NET and experience with mobile app development and e-commerce are significant assets. Once you've established this criterion, leverage specialized platforms that cater to tech talent, like Revelo. Through these platforms, you’ll have access to pre-vetted candidates who meet high technical proficiency and experience standards.

Next, consider their portfolio or previous projects. This will provide insights into their abilities and indicate how they match your business needs. An impressive portfolio typically shows that a developer adapts to different requirements and delivers quality work under varying conditions.

Take time to interview potential candidates thoroughly. Ask about their problem-solving approach or how they maintain complete control over an Umbraco CMS development project from start to finish. The aim is not just finding an Umbraco programmer but securing one who complements your existing team and aligns with your business goals effectively.

With these best practices in mind, finding top-notch Umbraco developers becomes less daunting.

Why Hire Umbraco Developers With Revelo?

The success of your web application hinges significantly on the type of developer you bring on board. With Umbraco development, precision, experience, and adaptability are vital. However, sourcing and hiring an Umbraco developer that ticks all these boxes can be time-consuming.

Revelo presents an effective solution. We simplify hiring by connecting you with pre-vetted Umbraco developers with proven expertise. Our rigorous vetting process ensures that only the most qualified professionals are included in our talent pool. Revelo also helps with administrative tasks such as payroll management, benefits administration, taxes, and local compliance.

Contact us today for a personalized hiring experience tailored to your business needs.

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